Weekly summary of IDF anti-terror activity in Judea and Samaria

Weekly summary of IDF anti-terror activity in Judea and Samaria


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    In the past week, IDF forces continued to operate against terrorist organizations in the Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley in order to prevent terrorist attacks in the Israeli home front and in the Judea and Samaria region.

    On Thursday evening (24 January), two terrorists infiltrated into the yeshiva of Kibutz Kfar Etzion and stabbed two Israeli civilians. The two counselors were lightly-moderately injured, and were transferred to the Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem. Other counselors present on the scene came to their defense, overpowered the terrorists and killed them. At the same time in a different location, Palestinian gunmen opened fire at a Border Police checkpoint in Jerusalem, killing a 20 year-old Border Policeman and severely injuring a Border Policewoman.

    On Friday, January 18, 2008, Ahmed Muhamad Ibrahim Sanakra, a senior Tanzim terror operative was killed during a joint IDF and ISA operation in Nablus. Four wanted Tanzim terror operatives were also arrested. Sanakra was responsible for manufacturing explosive devices and detonating them against IDF forces in Nablus. Sanakra was responsible for dispatching and executing dozens of shooting attacks against forces in Nablus. In addition, he was involved in planning and executing suicide bombings against the Israeli home front as well as recruiting suicide bombers and manufacturing explosive belts.

    On Monday night, January 21,2008, during a joint IDF and ISA arrest operation in the city Tulkarm, a Tanzim terror-operative, Murad Al-Bassa, opened fire at the IDF force injuring the battalion commander Lieut. Col. Nir Bar-On, who fired back at Al-Bassa and killed him.

    On Wednesday, January 23, 2008, nine tons of fertilizer containing potassium nitrate was discovered in Jericho during a joint IDF, Civil Administration, Border Police and ISA operation. Potassium nitrate is a banned substance in the Gaza Strip and in Judea and Samaria due to its use by terrorists for the manufacturing of explosive devices and Qassam rockets. In addition, on Wednesday, in a joint IDF, Civil Administration and ISA activity aimed at seizing illegal materials, the forces discovered illegal substances in two factories to the east of Nablus. 

    In the past week, IDF forces arrested 50 wanted Palestinians in the Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley.